Rapid, global urbanization is changing both where we live and the way we live. City planning, policy, and culture have a direct impact on people’s health.

Cities Changing Diabetes aims to improve understanding of the principal factors behind the rise of diabetes in urban settings, then share and apply that knowledge to real world solutions for people to live healthier lives.

There are currently 26 cities around the world which are part of this programme. For more visit www.citieschangingdiabetes.com

In 2016 Johannesburg became the first African city to participate in Cities Changing Diabetes. Using experienced, retired nurses to conduct research, the city was able to highlight the burden of diabetes as well as its comorbidities, such as obesity, high blood pressure and dyslipidaemia, in the public health sector. This research is being used to inform health-promoting policies and a range of awareness activities.

Fast-paced urbanisation over the last two decades has made Johannesburg a vibrant and diverse city, yet it has also fuelled several major challenges. Lack of housing, inner city decay, high unemployment, crime and inadequate health provisions have all combined to create an environment conducive to NCDs such as type 2 diabetes.

Without action, the increase of adult obesity in Johannesburg will continue along current trends. However, if weight distribution were to remain at 2017 levels and we could reduce the rate of obesity by 25%, Johannesburg would see 205,000 fewer cases of type 2 diabetes and save 157 million dollars in healthcare expenditure by 2045.[4]

[1] Statistics South Africa, City of Johannesburg, Key Statistics 2011 http://www.statssa.gov.za/?page_id=993&id=city-of-johannesburg-municipality; http://about-south-africa.com/home/cities/25-15-facts-you-didnt-know-about-johannesburg

[2] Business Tech. 2019. These are the worst times to drive in Joburg, Cape Town and Durban. [ONLINE] Available at: https://businesstech.co.za/news/motoring/321263/these-are-the-worst-times-to-drive-in-joburg-cape-town-and-durban/ [Accessed 17 August 2020].

[3] About South Africa. 2018. 15 facts about Johannesburg. [ONLINE] Available at: http://about-south-africa.com/home/cities/25-15-facts-you-didnt-know-about-johannesburg. [Accessed 17 August 2020].

[4] Cities Changing Diabetes. Diabetes Projection Model, Johannesburg. Data on file. Novo Nordisk. In: Incentive, ed. Holte, Denmark. 2017.